Tá an-áthas ar Choláiste Ghaoth Dobhair nasc a chruthú le CLG An Cabhán agus deiseanna a thabhairt do dhaoine óga freastal ar chúrsaí Gaeilge linn i nGaeltacht Dhún na nGall. Ba mhaith linn scoláireacht €250 a thairscint do bhaill an CLG. Chun leas a bhaint as an tairscint seo brúigh ar an nasc thíos agus cuir d'áit in áirithe. Bí go tapa! Tá teorainn le líon na scoláireachtaí atá ar fáil. Caithfidh tú a bheith mar bhall den chlub CLG áitiúil chun cur isteach ar an deis iontach seo. Ádh mór, Coláiste Ghaoth Dobhair
Coláiste Ghaoth Dobhair are delighted to team up with Cavan GAA to offer students the opportunity to attend our Gaeltacht courses. Together we would like to offer members of your club the opportunity to avail of one of our part scholarships. The Scholarships are work €250. To avail of this fantastic opportunity simply click on the link below and book your place . There are a limited number of scholarships available so click on the link to get yours on time. You must be a member of your local GAA club to avail of the scholarship.