Killinkere CLG

Founded 1929


About Killinkere CLG

The Name Killinkere is from the Irish Cillin Cheir which literally means small church (Cillin) which is grey or charcoal in colour (cheir) hence the small grey church in the crest. 

The footballer is there to represent our core GAA values
The leisure centre is the best known landmark in the area and is the centre of all club activities.
The Bridge. Our parish has a large protestant population and the Bridge symbolizes the coming together of the different communities within the parish and beyond.
The club moto "Ni neart go cur le cheile "
Edward Sheridan, former chairman and the driving force behind the purchase and development of the leisure centre and pitches signed off his "chairman's address" in a book about the club in early 1980’s with the phrase Nil neart gan cur le cheile. During the design stage of the crest it was felt that this is was good and fitting moto for our club. It also ensures that Edwards philosophy and legacy continues to drive and motivate our members... the literal meaning of the phrase is " There is no strength without coming together" or "Our strength is our unity"

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